Joe Mitchell next to the plaque he & his family donated. It reads
"In Appreciation of Valour Place Our 'Hope away from Home'--Collin, Brianne & Jackson Funke"
Volunteer Spotlight: Joseph Mitchell
Joseph Mitchell, a retired RCMP member, is a vital member of the Valour Place team. He does our bottle returns, volunteers at our golf tournaments, helps us with paint touch ups in the bedrooms & halls, and is always on-call whenever we need an extra hand.
Before Joe started volunteering for us, he and his family were once our guests. His daughter and her husband needed a place to stay while his grandson, Jackson, underwent a liver transplant. That was how Joe found us; the rest is history!
Joe’s favourite aspect of Valour Place is the variety it offers: in the winter there is a fireplace, in the warmer months people can barbecue outside, there are many quiet rooms to settle in, and there is plenty for the kids to play with, along with many other comforts of home. He claims that it’s “typical military” quality in terms of design; a lot of thought went into every nook of the place. He says that he feels proud to put his name on us and be a part of our team.
To Joe, the best part about volunteering at Valour Place is realizing that contributing to this establishment will help someone. When Joe and his family were in need, he wanted nothing more than to thank the handful of staff & volunteers who somehow managed to keep the facility running so smoothly. Now he enjoys being on the other side of things, actively trying to follow suit for others.