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Sisters- 62 days in the house

In 2020 Lynn Beauchamp began to experience extremely uncomfortable swelling in her abdomen. Thankfully, her nurse practitioner, Eileen Wall, did not discount her symptoms and ordered testing. Blood work and other scans reveal something abnormal. Once they removed the fluid an ultrasound scan revealed cancer in her liver. After 2 years of testing, Lynn finally had a diagnosis but it was the news she and her husband Andre most feared. Additionally, they were told without a transplant her life expectancy was only 11 months. On average it takes a year on the list to receive a transplant and to further complicate the situation, because of Lynn’s petite frame it could take longer. The Beauchamps live in Cold Lake but the transplant would take place in Edmonton and they needed to remain there for 3 months. Lynn told Andre We can’t afford to do this. It’s too much to pay out to stay in Edmonton.” Andre, a veteran who served for over 20 years, had never heard about Valour Place but his coworker, himself a transplant recipient and veteran told him about it. It was the lifeline they needed.

At 10 months post-diagnosis, the Beauchamps got the call they had prayed for. On Dec 7th, while at work Andre got a call from Lynn to say she was being airlifted from Cold Lake to Edmonton to undergo the transplant the next day. It all happened so fast. Andre and Lynn’s sister Carolle headed to Edmonton. Carolle had recently moved to Cold Lake from Gatineau, Quebec to help her sister. They booked into a hotel for a couple of days, but thankfully, Valour had a room available for them and they moved in on Dec 9th. Andre needed to return to work but Carolle would stay and be Lynn’s caregiver. He was relieved to know his sister-in-law and wife had a safe place to stay for the next 3 months.

For a week Carolle stayed at the house on her own while Lynn was still in the hospital. She was able to truly make herself at home and prepare for Lynn’s arrival. “The house is very comfortable and like being home.” said Carolle. She was able to get support from the staff and other families staying in the house. “My favourite memory is the girls always being available when I needed someone to talk to.” shared Carolle. Lynn’s recovery was going so well that she left the hospital a week early! “The fact they had a hospital bed for me to use truly helped with my recovery.” stated Lynn.

There’s no place like home at Christmas but for Lynn, Andre, and Carolle Valour Place would be their home during the holidays. “It was amazing that they welcomed our family from Ontario to stay with us. Unfortunately, the travel delays stop them from arriving, but the girls were so accommodating.” expressed Lynn. The house was decorated, a Christmas tree had gifts for all the guests, and they even provide a turkey and all the fixings,” said Carolle.

For months Lynn & Carolle were able to maintain a familiar daily routine and also attend physio & doctor appointments. The comforts of the house allowed Lynn’s recovery to go so well that she was given consent to return to Cold Lake one month & one week early but they will always remain a part of the Valour family.

Lynn and Carolle both shared their experience at Valour so everyone knows that Valour Place is making an impact on lives.

“Valour Place is so welcoming and touched my life in so many ways.

It provided a sense of peace and calm.”

- Lynn Beauchamp



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